Friday, November 6, 2009

Students & Cell Phones--the 411

When we went to Raymond Hartfield's Texas ASCD presentation on October 26th called "Students, Please Turn You Cell Phones 'On'!" we found more uses for the cell phone than we knew were possible. For instance, we learned we could access Google through using text messages (for free!). We learned how to create a digital business card that could be accessed through text messaging. We learned about many free sites that we could use in conjuction with our cell phones. The best part was that all we had to do was text message Mr. Hartfield for his AT&T presentation. Take a look for yourself, and you'll be able to instruct students to "turn on your cell phones!"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for including the information from Raymond Hartfield. I had no idea you could do so much...for free! My husband and I are planning to get our elementary kids iPhones for Christmas this year and I want to show them this information, too! I didn't get my first cell phone until I was WAAAAAY out of college but times have changed so much that I believe my 3rd grader and 5th grader can already utilize cell phones for so much more than just calling or texting, but actually for academic learning!
