Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Say it mail it

Allows you to put phone to ear to record a voice message. After recording email pops up which easily allows you to send to someone. I have used after visiting a classroom to leave a positive voice note for teachers.

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Camscannerfree - scan documents with phone and upload

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iPhone App

Favorite App - Pandora


Dragon dictation
Dragon search
Edu Techer (this is spelled correctly)
Google goggles

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Notes on Iphone and Course Notes on Ipad. Words with Friends on both devices.
Sent from my iPad
The Voice Control function is great for calling people while driving without having to push buttons. Hold the round button at the bottom down until Voice Control comes on. Say the name of the person you want to call, and the number will be dialed. It works for any number in your contacts.

Favoritw site

Big Day Life: Counts down to the exact day, hour, minute, second to any event.
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